What to Expect

In a typical 2,000 square foot home with pool or hot tub an evaluation will take about an hour and fifteen minutes.Our Advisor will do a thorough exterior and interior evaluation of your home. On the exterior we do suggest you accompany the advisor for the walk around as he will point out any breaches that you may have.
Our Advisor may poke his head up in your attic and measure the insulation. He may also put drops in your toilets to check for cracks and silent leaks. He will assess your appliances, their age and condition, along with your homes lighting.
Our Advisors are trained to teach you how to efficiently read the different languages inside your utility bill. They will discuss the rate increases from your electric company. We do request you have your most current electric bill available for the advisor to be able to analyze your daily kilowatt usage.
Our Advisor will wear a photo ID tag around his neck with his Florida Energy Conservation ID Number to identify himself.
*Please note. If there is more then one adult in the home that the TWO PRIMARY adults MUST ATTEND the evaluation, as we will have questions for the both of you concerning your consumption, usage and habits. We also want to help you to earn your federal tax credits and to receive rebates through your local utility company.
Your Home Energy Evaluation is unique. Every home is different due to many factors that come into play to properly evaluate a home.
- Square Footage of Home
- Height of Ceilings (Standard 8′, Vaulted, Cathedral, Volume)
- Age of Home
- Exposure (Direction of Sunrise-Sunset)
- Square footage of Openings to Square Footage of Heated/Cooled area
- Opening type
- Air Leaks (Weather Stripping, Gaskets, Air Ducts)
- Insulation R factor
- Home Construction (Block, Stick, Combination, Slab, Crawl Space)
- Geographical Location
- Water Leaks/Waste (Toilets, Hoses, Pools, Pumps, Shower, Bath)
- Other factors…